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Tổng số bài gửi : 74
Age : 30
Hiện đang ở: : Biên Hòa
Đang là: : Học sinh
Tài sản : THE BEST DAMN THING Tiny-th_CellPhone
Tình trạng : THE BEST DAMN THING Fine
Registration date : 02/04/2008

Bài gửiTiêu đề: THE BEST DAMN THING   THE BEST DAMN THING Clock106/4/2008, 15:27

Lyric:Let me hear you say hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey!
Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho!

Hey hey ho!

I hate it when a guy doesn't get the door,
even though I told him yesterday and the
day before...

I hate it when a guy doesn't get the tab and I
have to put my money out and that looks bad!

Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?
My Cinderella story scene. When do you think
they'll finally see......


That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,
you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me
never, like it or not even though she's a lot like

We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,
I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a
drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your
eyes have ever seen!

All right, All right, yeah...

I hate it when a guy doesn't understand why a
certain time of month, I don't want to hold his
hand, I hate it when they go out and we stay
in, and they come home smelling like their

I found my hopes, I found my dreams.
My Cinderella story scene. Now everybody's
gonna see.....


That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,
you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me

never, like it or not even though she's a lot like

We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,
I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a
drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your
eyes have ever seen!

Give me an A!
Always give me what I want!
Give me a V!
Be very, very good to me!
Are you gonna treat me right?
I can put up a fight!
Give me an L!

Let me hear you scream loud!
Let me hear you scream loud!

Where are the hopes? Where are the dreams?
My Cinderella story scene. When do you think
they'll finally see......


That you're not, not, not, gonna get any better,
you won't, won't, won't, you won't get rid of me
never, like it or not even though she's a lot like

We're not the same, and yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a lot to handle, if you don't know trouble,
I'm a hell of a scandal, me, I'm a scene, I'm a
drama queen, I'm the best damn thing that your
eyes have ever seen!

Let me hear you say hey hey hey!

Hey hey hey!

Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho!

Hey hey ho!

Hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey!
Hey hey hey!

I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have
ever seen!
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